Monday, March 25, 2013

On Religion

With religion at the forefront with a new pope, I decided to say this.

I don't argue religion with people much. I am a Christian, one of what Facebook folks call The Christian left. I am not a fundamentalist nor an evangelical Christian. I am Pro-choice and I favor marriage for anyone so inclined to marry. I oppose religion taught in public schools, any religion except as an academic study. It is the place of the family to provide their children with religious instruction or if they desire a religious school, then they should pay for it without my tax dollars doing so.

I expect that most Christians fall into this category.

I get offended and pissed off when (insert whatever group you like here) insists on blaming all the faults of modern society on Christianity. Christianity is corrupt but not all Christians are. I think your religion is bullshit as well but I don't tell you that every time I turn around. I am offended that you feel it's fine for you to insult my religion but woe to anyone who says anything about yours or even worse about SCIENCE.

I am totally sick of hearing how grand science is and how Christians don't believe in science. Are you all really that stupid? In the first place, I don't have any problem with science and I subscribe to its theories on the origin of the universe, among other things.

What I do have a problem with are these ideas: 1)That anything that comes from science is the truth when science has changed its truths every few months for the 53 years that I've been alive. What is true today is debunked tomorrow in favor of a more advanced theory. 2)That science is always good. Science and scientists have given us atomic weapons, nuclear waste, GMOs, global warming, air and water pollution just to name a few.

Please remember that if you consider my religion total myth that I surely feel the same about yours. Last time I checked, we still lived in a society here America where one is free to practice his or her own religion and I respect your right to do so without harassment and all I ask is that you treat me with the same courtesy.

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